Site updated: 1 September 2024
Chihuahua Magic
Judy Champion Feel free to contact me with any additional
182 Peach Lane questions you may have.
Ozark, AL 36360 PLEASE...If I do not respond within 24 hours
Phone: 334-445-9555 I did not receive your message.
(house phone only - no texting) Please try again, and thank you for visiting.
About Me
Hi, my name is Judy and I live in southeast Alabama in the small town of Ozark.
Lean back, get comfortable and enjoy my pictures. I have always loved small breed
dogs. Budda was my first Chihuahua, she passed in 2003, I had her in my life for 14
years. There have been many that have touched my heart in the years since then,
but none will ever replace my first love. Her daughter Jazzy passed in my arms on the 4th
of June 2013, she would have been 17 years old in August 2013. Jazzy was the last dog
I had from my original bloodline. I have been raising AKC Chihuahuas for over 40 years,
they are the only breed I raise. My home is my kennel and my dogs just allow me the joy
of living with them.
About My Dogs
I am a small in-home breeder. I breed first and foremost to provide a friendly,
genetically sound pet within the AKC breed standard. I am constantly striving to improve
the quality of my puppies by breeding to produce dogs with exceptional confirmation,
disposition, and genetic health. All my breeding dogs have been or are pending genetic
testing by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, a copy of the results is posted for
each dog. All my dogs and puppies are raised inside; the adults have free access to a
large fenced yard. My dogs are never penned in wire cages! When a dog is due to
deliver her puppies she is placed in a playpen in my bedroom, where she can have
privacy and a quiet place to rest and deliver her babies.
At 3 weeks of age my puppies go for their first vet check and initial worm treatments.
The worm treatments are repeated every 3 weeks until they are 12 weeks of age, at
that time they are placed on a monthly worm preventative schedule. I begin
housebreaking them on potty training pads between 4 and 5 weeks of age. I do
not begin weaning until about 10 weeks of age, with the smaller puppies I may not start
weaning until 12 weeks of age. The mother's milk has lost most nutritional value well
before this time, but the mom is still a huge source of comfort and security to the young
puppy. Vaccines are given at the discretion of my vet: usually, they begin at 7 weeks of
age. The vaccine is a preventative against canine distemper, parainfluenza, and
adenovirus Type 2. Leptospirosis and Coronavirus are not included in the initial 5-way
puppy vaccine used by my vet. I am always happy to provide references with phone
numbers from recent and past buyers and the office number for my vet.